Monday, October 20, 2008


A noob. It is what I am in graphic design. I am a "Graphic Design Specialist" at Baruch City Advertising (BCAS), but can barely use any of the Adobe software. But, I am trying. I learn as I go and have thrown some stuff together. It's tough, having to manage another club as President, do research for another club, and work on various ad campaigns with BCAS. But, like I said, I am trying. I am taking a graphic design class next semester, which I am stoked to be taking!

My work will get better, hopefully, and I intend to post my work here, as an online portfolio, of sorts. One day, after I've established myself with a job, I hope to look back here and be proud of how much I've improved. A dream that I hope to achieve.

So here's to dreams! We all have them. May we all reach them someday!

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